How to Access the cmd prompt & use it to view blocked sites

There are several sites blocked at school that me and my friends would like to get onto. We've tried using a websites I.P. address to get onto it but that is blocked at our school. We've tried using Ultrasurf however the program is automatically blocked on the school computers. We can use proxies however they keep getting blocked at it is annoying to keep getting new ones. What new ways are Access Blocked Websites at School, Work or Anywhere There are many genuine reasons for which you might want to visit blocked websites at your school or office. Given below are the ways you can use to regain access to the blocked website you wish to visit. 1. Cache method: Most search engines maintain a cache of web pages indexed by them. You If your school or office blocks a good portion of the web for "productivity's" sake, Redditor sidewayssammich shares a useful tip: just plug a site into Google Translate to view it. Your school could probably still spy on you if they really wanted to. You could get in trouble. Careful about telling other people or the administration might block all the websites, extensions, apps, etc. Edit: Formatting. Edit 2: Warnings added May 03, 2007 · Are you trying to get expelled from school? There are reasons why the school has blocked those websites. The main one is they don't want you on them at school. Grow up and stop trying to get to websites you shouldn't be into.

A tutorial on how to open command prompt in school and then use it to get the ip adress of a website and then use it to get onto that website at school even

Jul 16, 2020 How To Access Blocked Sites To Unblock Banned Webpages? Sep 10, 2019 How to Access Blocked Websites at School, Work, Home or

Apr 22, 2008 · do you know the code to get onto photobucket or myspace. I only know the code to get onto youtube at school. I really want to get on photobucket tho and I really need the code. HElp! please.

May 25, 2011 How to Open Social Networking Sites When it is Blocked Mar 14, 2013 What are the codes to get onto blocked websites at school Feb 22, 2008 How to unblock blocked websites | PCWorld Feb 13, 2019