Flaw in HTTP Digest Authentication - Information Security

What is Digest Authentication? - Definition from Techopedia Feb 20, 2014 What is digest authentication? - Stack Overflow Digest does provide better in-transit security than Basic authentication for unencrypted traffic, but it's weak. It is MUCH safer to use Basic auth in combination with SSL/TLS instead, because that way you can also keep the passwords on the server encrypted. – rustyx Jul 9 '16 at 14:24

If no authentication method is given with the auth argument, Requests will attempt to get the authentication credentials for the URL's hostname from the user's netrc file. The netrc file overrides raw HTTP authentication headers set with headers=. If credentials for the hostname are found, the request is sent with HTTP Basic Auth.

[ADVISORY] SQUID-2020:4 Multiple issues in HTTP Digest Apr 23, 2020 What is the opaque field in HTTP Digest Access

mod_auth_digest - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) provides a simple challenge- response authentication mechanism that may be used by a server to challenge a client request and by a client to provide authentication information. This document defines the HTTP Digest Authentication scheme that can be used with the HTTP authentication mechanism. Digest authentication is a challenge-response scheme that is intended to replace Basic authentication. The server sends a string of random data called a nonce to the client as a challenge. The client responds with a hash that includes the user name, password, and nonce, among additional information. ngx_http_auth_digest - HTTP Digest Authentication support for NGINX. Adding digest authentication to a location will affect any uris that match that block. To disable authentication for specific sub-branches off a uri, set auth_digest to off: Enable or disable digest authentication for a server or